Hospice and Palliative Care
Comfort. Respect. Care.
When curative measures are no longer an option, hospice provides comfort and care to ensure your loved ones spend their remaining time with dignity wherever home is. Hospice care uses a holistic approach to make your loved ones comfortable. Hospice is not a place or an institution, but rather it is a philosophy of care that focuses on the needs of patients when traditional and aggressive treatments are no longer an option. This approach shifts focus off the life-limiting illness and places more emphasis on the persons using an interdisciplinary team approach. The goal is to improve the quality of life through the prevention and relief of pain by promoting the spiritual, physical, social, cultural, and emotional well-being of all. This holistic approach to care allows patients to live life as fully as possible and family members the ability to be present at the moment.
Sub-Services Provided
- Nursing Services
- Spiritual Care
- Bereavement Services
- Hospice Aids
- Hospice Care
- Medical Social Services

Most people receiving hospice care are covered by the Medicare Hospice Benefit. The Medicare Hospice Benefit covers 100% of the cost for hospice. Medicaid and most private insurances cover 100% of hospice care as well.
- Visits from the hospice team who will manage the patient’s pain and symptoms
- Assists the patient with the emotional and psychosocial and spiritual aspects of dying
- Provides needed drugs, medical supplies, and equipment
- Coaches the family on how to care for the patient
- Provides bereavement care and counseling to surviving family and friends.
Hospice care is for any person who has a life-threatening or terminal illness. Most reimbursement sources require a prognosis of six months or less if the illness runs its normal course in order to cover the expenses associated with hospice care.
Hospice care is appropriate when curative measures are no longer available or when a person has opted out of further curative measures; at this stage, the focus is on comfort. Palliative Care focuses on symptom management while one is receiving aggressive treatments.
Contact Information
Tammy Smith
- Director of Business Development
- Entera Hospice