Elder Mediation & Care Management
What Can an Elder Care Manager Do for You?
It’s common for older adults and their families to need assistance on the complicated journey through aging and disability networks. Even when everyone has the best of intentions, you and your family are likely facing complicated decisions with partial information. Colleen Ceh Becvar and the advisors from Trinity Advocacy Group are trained professionals that bring peace to you and your family as you navigate these uncharted waters.
If you need assistance identifying the physical and financial risks that you or your loved one are facing and coming up with a care plan to make sure everyone is working together in your loved one's best interests, contact Colleen to learn more about Care Management and Elder Mediation.
Sub-Services Provided
- Adult Guardianship
- Care Management
- Elder Mediation
- Fiduciary Services

Caregiving concerns; housing, living, or residence concerns; guardianship or pre-guardianship conflicts, financial disputes, decision-making, planning options; sibling disputes, or safety concerns about driving or other safety related concerns are all reasons that families seek elder mediation services.
Care managers are the best asset when an individual is unable to care for themselves or their affairs. We utilize Certified Care Managers to provide in-depth assessments, develop individualized care plans, and monitor client care needs. Here are some examples of care management duties:
- Assess the current living environment
- Identify appropriate and safe living environment
- Hold nursing home/assisted living communities accountable for safe, appropriate care
- Connect client with needed services, such as home health or physical therapy
- Act as liaison to healthcare providers and insurers
- Address immediate, short-term, and long-term needs
- Provide customized, sustainable solutions
- Monitor services to ensure the client’s care goals are met
Our Care Managers are certified through the National Academy of Certified Care Managers.
Contact Information
Colleen Ceh Becvar
- Gerontologist
- Trinity Advocacy Group